Individual plans




unlimited* UI compiles
10 API compiles

* With a limit of 10 compiles per minute.




no ads
collect documents
unlimited UI compiles
300 API compiles




commercial use
no ads
collect documents
unlimited UI compiles
1000 API compiles




commercial use
no ads
collect documents
unlimited UI compiles
7 500 API compiles
4 concurrent compiles

Business plans




collect documents
commercial use
unlimited UI compiles
75 000 API compiles
16 concurrent compiles

Private hosting

cluster made to spec
private templates
contain sensitive data
commercial use
unlimited UI compiles
unlimited API compiles

Streamline Document Collection with Shareable Links

With Craftadoc, you can easily gather documents from your clients or other users by sharing a template via a link. When someone fills out the template using the link, the resulting PDF document will be automatically sent to you. This feature is perfect for streamlining document collection in a variety of situations, such as:

  • Receiving printable documents directly from your clients without the need for them to register
  • Simplifying the process of gathering documents from multiple users
  • Gathering paperwork from new hires or employees for HR purposes
  • Collecting forms or applications from customers or clients for various purposes, such as event registration, survey responses, or product orders
  • Automating the process of gathering reports or other documents from team members or colleagues for review or approval
  • Simplifying the process of collecting and organizing receipts or other documentation for expense tracking or reimbursement purposes.
Upgrade to a Craftadoc plan to get access to this convenient feature and make document collection a breeze.

Enhance Your Business with Commercial Use

Upgrade to a Craftadoc plan to unlock the ability to use our templates and generated documents for commercial purposes. This feature is perfect for businesses looking to streamline their document collection and processing processes, such as printing and copy shops, legal firms, event planning companies, and more. Some examples of how commercial use can benefit your business include:

  • Easily generate professional-grade invoices for your business
  • Services built on the Craftadoc API: If you're a developer looking to build a service on top of the Craftadoc API, commercial use will allow you to generate PDF documents for your customers or clients.
  • Recipe templates for publication: If you're a chef or food writer looking to publish a recipe in a magazine or other commercial publication, you can use a Craftadoc recipe template to create a beautifully formatted document that meets the publisher's specifications.
  • Contract templates: Whether you're a lawyer drafting contracts for clients or a business owner negotiating agreements with vendors, commercial use of a Craftadoc contract template can help you create professional-grade documents that reflect the terms of the agreement.

Scale up Your Document Generation

Upgrade to a Craftadoc plan and unlock the ability to generate a large number of documents with our API. Whether you're a business looking to automate document creation or a developer building a service on top of our API, the ability to generate hundreds or even thousands of documents each month can greatly streamline your processes and save you time.

Don't let document generation limits hold you back - upgrade to a Craftadoc plan today.

Customized Solutions with a Private Instance

If your company requires more advanced features and customization options, a private instance of Craftadoc may be the perfect solution. With a private instance, you'll have the ability to:

  • Keep your templates private and secure
  • Handle sensitive or private data with confidence
  • Enjoy even higher compile limits for large scale document generation
  • Customize the platform to meet your specific needs and requirements

Contact us to learn more about hosting your own private instance of Craftadoc. Whether you're looking for enhanced security, higher performance, or more advanced features, we can help you get the customized solutions you need.